I Lost My Keys
If you have misplaced your keys we can replace them if you registered them online with us or personally recorded the number.
My lid sticks
The knob at the end of the top rod (as mentioned in the issue above) is getting stuck on the back corner.
How To Fix It
We’ve found that this smooths in over time but if it’s stuck, press down and pull the lid towards the center (or towards the other lid) to bring it around the tough corner.
The canvas panniers can sometimes shrink slightly and this added pressure keeps the locking mechanism from disengaging properly. The simple fix is to try to stretch out the panniers by pulling on them when the Boot is closed and locked. If you’re still having trouble get a hold of us and we’ll figure out a permanent solution for you.
Doesn’t lock all the way
We’ve found that this is usually because one of the rods on the lid isn’t inserted properly. The rods that run underneath the handles serve a dual role of holding up the pannier bag and making sure that both the back and the front of the Boot lock securely.
How To Fix It
There’s a top rod running along the inside lid of the boot through the pannier bag. The far end of the rod (opposite the locking side of the boot) has a plastic triangle piece with a knob sticking out.
Center knob in order to properly lock the lid. The knob is what locks the lid in place. If this is out of alignment, it won’t catch.
To adjust this piece, remove the rod and rotate until it is in the proper alignment (as shown in previous illustration).
Rods fell out
If you've had the metal rods on the bottom of your Buca Boot pop out, please let us know. We've discovered that some of the lower rods in the early boots sent out were 2mm too short. If you are having this issue, we will send you replacement rods.
Grey pins popped out
Or the outside corners of the lid don’t stay down when locked. The Buca Boot arms run along 4 little plastic grey pins. These are designed so that if you run into something or somebody hits your bike the pins will break or pop out before the actual lids or arms on the Buca Boot break. If this happened to you, we can get you some new pins and show you how to put them in, it's quite simple.
First to locate the pin if you open the Boot and look at the inside upper corners, you should see a hole with a grey plastic circle in it.
Next locate the back of the pin. If one is missing, the door arm will lift up on that side. Once you lift the arm you can put the pin back in its place. You should be able to lower the arm back next to the pin but it won't easily snap into place. You'll need to place the palm of your hand on the arm and press downward until the pin pops back into the door track.
The arms came out of their tracks
If you look down into the space at the front and back of the Buca Boot that the grey arms go into, you can see tracks that each of the arms run along, which are molded into two interior, removable walls of the Boot.
If the arms have popped out of those tracks the lids won’t open and close smoothly. Luckily, you can usually pop the arms back into place by hand by pressing down on the handles (and subsequently the hinge arms) when closing and locking and that is usually enough to pop them back into their tracks.
If that doesn’t work, follow the steps below to release the interior track system and quickly put the hinge arms back in the tracks.-
The interior track system is held in place by four screws in the bottom of the Boot.
Remove the four screws with a Phillips Head screwdriver.
Before releasing the interior track system, release the top inside pannier rods from the holes in the interior track system. (Keep the rods attached to the pannier and just rest them over the side of the boot for easy reinstallment).
Once the screws are removed, you can lift the entire track system up a bit. This will give you some extra space in which to easily put the arms back in their tracks.
When reinstalling the track system, make sure it clicks into the grooves. You’ll know if you’ve done it if the top of the track system sits flush with the exterior wall of the Boot and the screw holes line up on the floor of the Boot. Rescrew in the screws and you should be set.
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